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Crosstabulation and Statistical Analysis We can run your banner tables using several different software options, which allow us great flexibility in meeting your tabulation requirements. You may also desire significance testing or any type of descriptive or multivariate statistical analyses. If needed, we are always here to offer our professional expertise in defining your banner, table specifications and any special requests you may have. We also offer a variety of output options for your tables, including report-ready text and graphics, or electronic files that you may use with your own spreadsheet or word processing software. Sample tables: Excel or PDF For more information on Crosstabulation and Statistical Analysis see our newsletter, StarTips: How to Interpret Standard Deviation and Standard Error in Survey Research Survey Tabulation: Stats 101 Back to Basis: Survey Tabulation Back to Basis: Anatomy of a Crosstab What Every Researcher Should Know About Statistical Significance Online Reporting At DataStar, we offer a variety of ways to view your survey results online. We've designed a system to provide researchers the ability to actually run real-time tabulations on a Web-based survey. Whether your needs call for simple tables or report-ready charts, talk to us about the available options. One of our sample surveys was designed to demonstrate examples of this capability. Online Tables Online Charts Another use of online reporting involves using the Internet as a "delivery" vehicle for tabulated data and/or other reports that are processed off-line, and simply posted on the Web for viewing. This has been advantageous for companies where survey results must be viewed simultaneously by geographically dispersed analysts, or in some cases, as a communication medium to an entire employee base. Report Ready Output We offer a variety of output options for your tables as well as your data including report ready text and graphics. We can also provide a brief analysis of your data tables in an executive summary or PowerPoint format. We can work with you to create custom "presentation style" reporting to meet your requirements. Whether it's one report you need or 1000, call on DataStar for all your reporting needs! Here are just a few examples of what we can do. Remember, we can customize any report to meet your or your client's needs. Customer Satisfaction Report Employee Feedback Report 360 Competency Assessment
Spreadsheet and Pie Chart Our Services Tabulation & Reporting
DataStar, Inc.
PO Box 890193, East Weymouth, MA 02189